View on GitHub

Presentation of the github repository

Here are all the repository I work(ed) on with a brief abstract. Click on the `see more` to have deeper informations.


pygen-converter is a tool that allows implicit conversions between C++ Eigen library and Python Numpy library. This is an header only library that can provide both Eigen global typedefs (e.g. MatrixXd, Vector3i, ArrayXXf, …) and user-defined typedefs. (see more)


This library computes a multi-contacts wrench cone. It can compute the rays (the $\mathcal{V}$-representation) of the polyhedral cone and can find the halfspaces (the $\mathcal{H}$-representation) by using the double description algorithm. This lib is based on Fukuda’s cdd lib and threadsafe wrapper of it for eigen. (see more)


This is library has been developed to answer to the model preview control problem. It solves discrete systems using a QP solver. The library has been design to be fast and user-friendly. Python bindings are also provided. It is also my first big library! In this article i will describe to what a mpc is made for, why you should use it and how. (see more)